
“I learnt how to focus on both the happy and not so happy part of my thinking and show how they work together.”

Event Workshop

“Being creative beyond my usual comfort level can give me new insights into myself.”

Event Workshop

“Starting off drawing "what made you smile today?" made such a difference for me. I'm working from home and spend a lot of time on Zoom in meetings, usually troubleshooting difficult situations. It's easy to get pulled into it and have it reframe my outlook. Now I ask myself that question everyday! Thank you!”

Event Workshop

“Being able to let go and just create! I have been having a hard time letting go of control in my life so the activities that we did helped with that.”

Event Workshop

“Allowing specific quiet time for creative process was very powerful for me. I do not feel particularly artistic in terms of drawing/painting etc so the opportunity to create in private, but with others was pretty cool.”

Event Workshop

“Focusing on the process, not the end product was incredibly helpful. Working on applying that to other parts of my life now.”

Event Workshop